Jeff Conaway (October 5, 1950 – May 27, 2011)
Jeff Conaway was an American actor best known for his roles in the movie Grease and the US television series Taxi and Babylon 5. Conaway was featured on the first season of reality series Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. He died of pneumonia in May 2011. The pneumonia was a result of a drug overdose two weeks earlier. Full Wiki
Now after his autopsy results have returned the LA medical examiners have determined that Jeff's death was accidental. They also found multiple causes, including an internal infection, caused his tragic end.
Jeff Conaway, 60, was found unconscious at his L.A. home back on May 10 and rushed to an Encino hospital, where he remained in a coma until he passed away May 27.
Coroner Craig Harvey says that opiates and other drugs were found in Conaway’s system when he entered the hospital, but his office did not perform a toxicology test as part of their four-month investigation. With the actor’s extended hospital stay prior to his death, tests would have come back clean anyway...
TMZ reports that septic emboli, aortic valve endocarditis, coronary artery disease, pneumonia and encephalopathy were among the key factors contributing to his death. WOW
Dr. Drew Pinksy, who worked with Conaway on “Celerity Rehab,” told the public early on that despite Conaway's trouble with prescription drugs, he believed “aspiration with overwhelming pneumonia and sepsis,” caused his friend's deteriorating health, not an overdose.
Conaway is best known for playing John Travolta’s best friend Kenicke in “Grease” as well as the struggling actor Bobby Wheeler on "Taxi."