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Ever Considered Laser Tattoo Removal?

I can still remember vividly getting my first tattoo. I lived in Morecambe and decided to get a tattoo without telling anyone. It's a tiny one on my right foot that reads "Be-You-Tiful". I had thought about getting a tattoo for ages and ages, but I could never ever decide what to get. I saw this saying online one day and it was like a lightbulb moment  - I knew I had to get it!. So, I simply went and got it one day without telling anyone my plans.

The man in the shop told me that ink on your foot is one of the most painful, so I was dreading it but actually, it wasn't too bad at all. I've had 12 tattoos since, so I guess it couldn't have been that bad.

Deciding on a Tattoo

Everyone has different reasons for getting tattooed and different ways of deciding what they want. With the exception of a cupcake tattoo and a giant lollipop mine all mean something to me and that was something that I was really passionate about. Although I know that something like city tattoo removal at Pulse Light Clinic is an option but it wasn't something that I wanted to keep in mind when choosing a tattoo, I wanted it to be something I would love forever.  

When Things Go Wrong

That said, I have given consideration to what would happen if I changed my mind about any of the pieces I have had. I recently came across Pulse Light Clinic in London who offer laser tattoo removal for those that need it. They have a couple of clinics in Central London and the examples of their work I have seen it really looks like an amazing procedure! It fades the tattoos enough to be able to have any sort of cover-up you want; which is great news!

Have you ever had a tattoo you regret? Would you consider getting it removed?

Debz x

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